Monday, December 16, 2013

Most of you reading this remember when you finally reached driving age. The anticipation of this date is one of those more landmark periods along the timeline of your life. For me, this date was going to hit shortly after my return from summer camp.  I was in great anticipation of this event. One because honestly, what teen isn’t, and Two- I am a Petrol Head, I love cars.

The entire time I was at camp, I thought about this momentous event coming to fruition in my life. When I returned home from camp, my father came to pick me up from my friend’s house. Prior to our walking out the door, he told me that he had bought me a car to start driving. My eyes lit up. I rushed out the door.  What await me was a Monte Carlo SS. I was beside myself. (for you fellow car people out there, it had a Corvette engine that had been dropped into it--it was a JET) Okay, back to my story. This Monte Carlo was an utter surprise.  I had been asking my dad what I was going to start driving well before camp and nothing was really coming of the asking, or so it seemed!!

I bring this story to light because I am often reminded of it when I start to wonder if God is hearing my prayers.  You see, for months I had pestered my dad due to the curiosity of what I was going to be driving, but it seemed that the answer was not coming.  Discouragement wanted to set in. Questions began to mull through my mind…”Wasn’t he excited about my starting to drive? He was the one that got me excited about cars at young age, why was he seemingly dragging his feet now? Questions bombarded my teenage mind as to the determination of my dad to find me a car. I started to become  sure that his lack of action meant that he wasn’t planning on doing anything to solve the matter. Don’t we do this to God?  We start assuming that His perceived lack of action means His desire not to assist us, at all ?  We look for tangible things to give validity that God wants to bring something to fruition in our lives, but many times…just like with my dad…He is working behind the scenes.

The car that my dad bought me has been the favorite of my life. Years have gone by since I received that gift, and yet I’ve never forgotten the lesson behind it…just when it seems that God hasn’t heard your prayers, just when it seems giving up is the only reasonable answer in life…God surprises you with a greater gift than you thought imaginable.  Wait upon the Lord, He’s got more planned for you than you were originally thinking. Pastor Daniella or my website 

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