Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Bitterness-Part 1

Bitterness-Part 1

When something is poisonous, we know to avoid it.  The Bible expresses bitterness as a poisonous root. (Hebrews 12:15)  The poison of bitterness penetrates into every spectrum of our life, when left undealt with.  Roots branch out in search of nutrients.  Bitterness is much like this.  When we have bitterness in our hearts, the bitterness will branch out through every life event, looking where to draw its next supportive nutrients. 

Identifying Bitterness in our lives.
So, how do we identify bitterness in our lives?  First, we have to start seeing bitterness for what it is.  I discussed that it is a poisonous root that takes hold in our lives.  Let’s take the definition further.  What really is bitterness?  It is an unwillingness to allow trust into our heart that God is the avenger of the harm done to us in life.  Exodus 14:14 assures us, “The LORD will fight for you; you need only to be still."   When we are unwilling to wait upon the Lord, we take bitterness into our heart as a way of defending ourselves against being disappointed or harmed again.  We start allowing our bitterness root to be what anchors us in life, rather than allowing love to continue to flow through us, and trusting God. 

Bitterness Can Disguise Itself
Be cautious to not be tricked in life.  Bitterness can easily be defined as being “wise”.  Are we to be wise, yes?  Proverbs talks in great depth about the importance in the application of wisdom, but Wisdom comes from the Lord, Bitterness comes from the devil.  Wisdom knows to trust Christ first in order to form an opinion, Bitterness only forms opinions spawned by poisoned thoughts.  Thoughts like anger, frustration, doubt, disappointment, fear…accompany bitterness.  When we are looking to identify bitterness in our lives, we must make sure that we are willing to separate all wrongful thinking, no matter how logical it might seem, from correct Godly wisdom.
Tomorrow, we will cover why we let bitterness take hold in our lives and begin the steps in learning how to remove it.   God bless you in His Peace and Love.  Pastor Daniella

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