Wednesday, November 27, 2013

The Pains of our Past and Present difficulties leave great voids in our lives.  These voids can quickly be replaced by bitterness.  At first, bitterness seems harmless, after all, it is only positioning oneself to be prepared against the next attach, but bitterness is more than this, it is becomes a poison within the heart that creates a cycle of reliving the hurts.  The Lord seeks to Love us out of the pains.  He doesn't want us to have to live with damage of the soul as our main definition to live.   Please join me at the following link as I seek to just be of assistance to you in order that you can start to be healed out of the pains and live more in the present love of Jesus.  It is a journey, but it is worth it.  I speak this from personal experience.

The Lord Jesus Christ keeps no record of the wrongs that we have done.  Seriously, I find this to be amazing.  I remember wrongs done to me as young as a two year old, and here I serve a Lord that sees NOT my sins of the day, but instead looks on me with LOVE.  I am floored at the Love that the Lord Jesus Christ carries for us. 

I don’t think that we can honestly take in all of what it means to be loved by Jesus Christ.  We are so accustomed to having our nose rubbed in every small misstep that when someone mentions that the Lord does not keep record, we figure that such a statement has to be untrue. I Cor 13:5 tells us that Love keeps no record of wrongs.  Love-the absolute essence of Jesus Christ-keeps no record of what you and I did wrong today.  Instead, His steady, life altering Love forgives and forgets.  Amazing!  I bow before Him, and humbly take this statement as the truth that it is over my life.  We will never know another love such as the Love of Jesus Christ for us.  Amen, Lord, Amen.

Saturday, November 23, 2013

The Love that we are given by the Lord Jesus Christ is so stunning to me.  To have love offered to us daily that is Kind, Patient, never in a state of Envy, never boasting or too proud to not make us first in His eyes, not self-seeking, not easily finding anger against me, and keeping no list of my daily wrongs.

He gives without failure ,on His part, knowing that He will be returned a love that falls far short of His, and never once does He hold this against us.  There will never be another love in your life like that of Jesus Christ. 

The greatest many have never really experienced the REAL love of Jesus.  This love of Jesus can only be experienced when you start to allow Him to SHOW you what He is like.  

Friday, November 22, 2013

When the Pains of the past start to lose their power over our lives, it is almost a bit disconcerting. You've lived for so long trapped within the emotional pain of the past that freedom seems too foreign to handle. Please take heart, the longer you live without the anxiety, worry, doubt, and fear, the more normal this state of thinking will become. We weren't meant to live broken. Peace of mind was supposed to be the frame of mind and perspective applied to the entirety of life. When you start to feel that quiet nudge to believe, trust it. Jesus is the lifter of our heads, not the torturer of our souls. Pastor Daniella 

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

When the Pain of Life Starts Losing its Power

The pains of our past put great effort trying to write the pages of what our future will look like. 

I had tried for years to move on past the pain of my earlier life.  I thought if I just mustered enough will power towards the pain, and shoving it deep within me, that it would never again raise its ugly head.  I was wrong.  What I ended up forming inside myself was a barricade. Determined to allow no one to hurt me again in life, I placed myself in the middle of the barricade walls and attempted to live my life.

At first glance, you would have thought this idea was working for me, but then my barricade started to crumble. No matter how hard I worked to rebuild it, it seemed in a constant state of decay.  I couldn't understand what was taking place in my life.  I had become very good at living within my walls.  Why was it now that things were changing?

The difference, Jesus had made it past my barricade and was showing me the love that He was offering me in my life. This love was one that I couldn't turn away.  His love was different.  Instead of Him coming to list all that was wrong with me, He offered me comfort.  Instead of Him rubbing my nose in all I had failed to move past in my life, He saddled up beside me and allowed me to see I was loved "AS IS".  

The more I accepted that His love was different than what I had been offered in life, the more a difference took place in my heart.  The memories of the pain were still present, but somehow the need to focus on them was lessening.  Slowly I was much more preoccupied with the Love of Jesus for my life than I was of the pains caused.

The Lord Jesus is a healer, but He seeks to heal you to fullness, if for the first time in your life.  He doesn't just carelessly aid His followers with some band-aid fix.  Instead, He comes to the corners of life where you are hiding and starts LOVING you out.  

We serve a loving, mighty Lord. I will eternally be humbled and grateful for all He is doing in my life.

What does the the Unconditional Love of the Lord really mean to me when applied to my life?

Many of us have been loved conditionally.  We have been rewarded with love due to our behavior or performance.  Jesus does not love in this manner.  I make that statement, but honestly…do any of us fully know what that means to us?  I don’t think we do.  I think we have a head knowledge of it, but to allow it to penetrate into our heart…that’s when the love of Jesus starts to affect our lives in the manner it was designed to do.
It does not matter what you have done in your past or what you will go on to do in your future...none of it will cause Jesus not to love you.  You are His…nothing will change this.  This statement here is not license to go and do as you wish, but more rather a statement meant to CHANGE YOUR LIFE!!!  I have just told you that you are loved in your entire broken state.  I am too!!!  I too am broken.  Broken by my past.  Heart on the floor, pain ridden, dead inside without my Lord Jesus Christ at my side.  But the love of Jesus transformed my life.
When I started to see what the love of Jesus meant for me, my Faith became more than a statement and instead, it became the blood by which my body survives.  I started to understand that someday, through the love of Jesus Christ in my life in a very personal way, I would look beyond my pain and instead into the eyes of the One who loves me.
The love that Jesus offers will mean something different to each of us.  To me, it is a healing from situations in my life that are honestly insurmountable for me.  I can’t justify or understand the pain I was placed under while growing up, but what I can do is to allow my heart to be loved by my Lord.
Pastor Daniella

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Romans 8:31 If God is for us, who can be against us. I think that this scripture can be read and never really taken in for what it should mean to our thinking. We live in a world where if one person loves you, another hates you. If you’ve found favor in the eyes of the masses, there are always those willing to speak against you. The scripture tells us that “If God is for us, who can be against us?” At a quick glance, we could read this scripture and think? “Well, I am constantly finding myself on the losing end of someone looking on me unfavorably. So why does this scripture have any weight in our lives? Honestly, it is due the content of what the scripture is unveiling to us about where the focus of our approval should be sought from. “If God is for us”…this part of the scripture is your clue as to where all your importance should be placed, on God. In other words- Since the Lord God is FOR ME...WHAT does it matter if anyone is either For me or Against Me. I have all the approval that I need wrapped up in the knowledge that my Lord God is in full approval of me. When we allow the scripture to pierce into the fiber of our daily lives, we find a soundness of mind takes place. Where doubt of self used to reign, an empowerment is birthed from the understanding that God is for us. Where we derive our source of strength from is very important in life. If we are going to allow the opinions of others more validity in our lives than God’s view point, we will live out our days in nothing less than a roller coaster existence. Our emotion will never find stable ground. Stability will come from one understanding in life. You are God’s, He loves you, and “If God is for you, who can be against you?” Romans 8:31 Pastor Daniella

Friday, November 15, 2013

The pains of my past were written on my heart. The pains were all I could see.  I knew Jesus was there for me, and I was in love with Him, but I didn't’t know how to let that understanding and feeling transform my life, and then I started to see it.  The pains of my life might be written on my heart, but His Love for me could come to mean so much to me that I would, for the first time in my life, allow Him to start writing something new across my heart. “ YOU ARE LOVED”, was what He started writing, and I have not been the same since. 

If you are interested in reading more, please visit my website.

If you have a dream and all that seems to be facing you are doubters, and a reality that seems insurmountable, please do not lose heart.

Our dreams were not written on the hearts of those that surround us.  They were written on our hearts.  Doubters will come to spread their poison many times in along your journey.  A doubter's opinion has no more weight on your dream than what you let it have.  

If Jesus placed it in you, then stay in Faith.  Be determined that you will allow your eyes to stare more at Jesus than your reality.  It is His power that will bring your dreams to fruition.  Allow Him to lead your through the quiet nudgings that you feel in your mind to STAY IN FAITH.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

There will be times when you will feel that no firm path has shown to be the right one to take.  I have been at this fork in the road myself.  When you done your part: you placed the decision in the Lord’s hands.  You’ve involved Him to all areas of what path you should take, and still you are getting no firm leading, then you may need to understand that sometimes in life, we will have to start down a path and trust that if we have diverted in a direction that Jesus’ anointing was not upon, He will help us to realize it.  We serve a Mighty God.  If we remain flexible, and willing to change to what His will is, then we aren’t going to find it difficult to course correct if we it starts becoming evident that our decision wasn’t the perfect one.

If you enjoyed this small segment.  Please feel free to find my full articles at my website: or my TWITTER account.

Mind sets

I find it interesting how life starts to unfold.  We start out so full of dreams.  Before long, fear starts to replace dreams and we slowly start to redefine life based on the negative experiences rather than the positive ones.  When we spend too long in this mind frame, we allow strong holds of the mind to form.  These strong holds soon become a concrete barrier that hinder our expression of Faith towards the Lord.
But, overcoming strong holds of the mind is not a one step process.  When working to move past them, choices have to be made daily to refrain from entertaining the fears, and instead pressing to see the Lord’s leading.
Try to start seeing Fear for what it is…a veil over your eyes that blurs reality and prevents dreams from ever taking on life.

If you are interested.  You can follow me at : TWITTER- or my WEBSITE 

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

To Believe that something better awaits us is very trying to the soul.  The reason being, we are at war within ourselves.  Our soul is interested in feeding our own interests and furthering them as quickly as possible.  Our Spirit, knows to wait on the Lord's timing and be willing to apply Peace while we wait.  Waiting is difficult alone, let alone having to apply the waiting to something we are greatly anticipating.  The more we find Peace while we believe in the breaking in the clouds to come, the more we can enjoy the journey that life is.  If you enjoyed this, please follow me at :  or my website:

Helping to spread a Good word

Just sharing the website for a Christian band working to spread that Word of Christ through music. 

Friday, November 8, 2013

If you have had some very difficult events take place in your life today, please....take heart. Jesus does love us. We aren't always going to "feel" this love as you would assume it would be. Humans feel that Jesus' love should be painless. We feel that there should be a constant deliverace from all issues of life. Jesus shares in the Bible that troubles will face us. That's not the easiest thing to hear is it? I know it isn't for me. But, Jesus gives Peace not as the World looks at Peace. Instead, He promises to give Peace that is in you, strengthening you from within. Not at all like the Peace of the World, purely circumstantial Peace. If you are interested in reading it. I wrote an article on Peace, it is in my website. I too have been so very broken in life. I felt as if Peace would never be apart of my life. I was wrong. Christ is bringing me to wholeness for the first time in my life. I share with you because I want others to feel the deliverance that Jesus can be for us. My Website.. Or follow me on Twitter. .

If you have held on to the pains of your life, waiting for the perfect time to let them go, you will most likely continue to hold onto them for many years to come. Circumstances rarely become prime in life, and if they do…they are many times fleeting. Jesus asks us to trust Him, even when all the circumstances in our “natural” life tell us otherwise. Please, the pains of your life are hard to handle. I know. The only way to allow yourself to begin to feel whole once more is to learn how to be healed by Jesus in your heart. If you are interested in learning ways to start allowing Jesus’ love to mean more to you than the pains of the past. I invite you to read my website. I offer it to you, because I too have found myself where you are, and I want to share what is healing me. My website.