Wednesday, March 12, 2014

I remember years ago my friends and I decided to turn the typical game of “Mother May I” into a game of “Trust Your Mother”, or so we called it. We decided that instead of the original theory of asking, “Mother, may I take two steps? To which the one picked to be “mother” would answer, “Yes or No you may or may not” depending on what they decided about your progression through the game….We would turn the game into a game that would cause you to trust the person playing “mother”. You would exemplify this trust that you placed within the “mother” in your willingness to believe that they would guide you, by verbal commands, around a series of obstacles in the room, all while you were blind folded. The game, silly and childish, but I look back on that game at points in my life and think over the frequency of my unwillingness to trust the one directing me. I would analyze their motivations, were they sore losers? Did they favor someone else in the group typically? Should I really trust that they had my best interests at heart? To Trust- we give certain levels of trust every day, don’t we? Much of it is due to necessity, but we do exert it daily. We place some level of trust that our vehicle will not break down on us or that the subway will in fact reach the station. We trust that the elevators inspector has checked that the elevator has met all safety needs. We trust that our food has been correctly packaged and inspected. These and multiple other examples show that we do in fact exert trust daily. Many of us are struggling with the ability to let ourselves delve further into trusting Jesus Christ. At the slightest downturn of events in our lives, we quickly begin questioning whether Jesus really does mean to be the Lifter of our Heads, or uphold the promises that He’s given to never ignore the slightest glimmer of hope that still burns within us. Trust is a choice that we make. Yes, sometimes the trust that we are placing within those who do the above jobs aren’t always met with their end of the deal being fully upheld. Food does get tainted, elevators break down, vehicles don’t perform to their full potential, and occasionally, I would end up with a friend within the above mentioned “Trust Your Mother” game that didn’t guide my steps safely. A wariness sets in within our thinking that if it happened once, couldn’t it happen the next time just the same? This is entirely possible when it comes to human frailties and failures, but Jesus Christ has NEVER let down humanity and yet we are so easy to stop trusting Him or be very fearful to even start out doing so. Christ shows His “credentials” well prior to His asking us to trust Him. How? He came to Earth and gave His life for you in order that you would want to walk this life out with Him. Prior to his asking us to trust him He showed what he was really “made of”. He knows this journey that you are on with Him towards trusting in not an easy one, but it is through His very action of showing His true intentions to you ahead of time, that you can allow yourself liberty to realize NOW that Jesus Christ is the One that we can trust in life. Jesus Christ is patient, but He does ask you to be willing to keep walking towards Him daily in your journey of trusting Him. Pastor Daniella

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