Thursday, March 27, 2014

Many times when trials are upon our lives, when troubles are presenting themselves within our lives, we quickly begin to question the motivations of the Lord Jesus Christ.  We don't mean to, but we do start to wonder if His conviction to bring to fullness the dreams He once wrote on the walls of our heart.  

A lack of results can quickly cause impatience within the mind of the one in waiting.  So often, we see time as our enemy.  Raising its ugly head to make us wait once more upon it. Yet, what if time were our friend? What if time waited was actually a sign that our path towards our goal was being made straight? (John 1:23) I would imagine that if we saw our waiting period as a friend rather than foe we would find begin to question Christ less.  

As a very goal oriented person, I am also someone very excited by the idea of quick resolutions to all matters. Yet there have been areas of my life that I haven't been able to rush to the result in.  One of the largest of these areas has been that of an emotional healing from what I have gone through as a kid/teen.  I have wanted to rush through the healing process, so desperatley I wanted this.  I just wanted a check list placed in front of me where I could quickly start clicking off each of the boxes and be done with it.  But that isn't how God works. 

He does believe in healing, but on His time and in His way.  Why His time and His way? The reason can be found in some simple life application observances.  I remember years ago, I had some friends who were desperate to build a deck in their back yard.  My friend and his buddy poured out the cement, spread it and then waited for it to set and settle.  My friend, not known for his patience decided the cement was taking too long for him, and instead of waiting for the cememnt to finish setting, he was going to get started building the deck.  Quickly he set about walking around on the still drying cement, setting the posts and building the landing area. He worked at a feverish pace, but the next morning when he came out to observe his progress, he saw that the decking had settle at different heights.  In his hast, he had rushed too many of the process that required time, and instead of a quality product, he and his buddy came to the conclusion that they were going to have to start most of the woodwork over.  

Now you might ask how this applies to your life due to the fact that you're not building a deck, neither am I, but I am trying to build a life founded in stability and a good foundation and it is there that my scenario has application in our lives.  Each of us wants progress, but if we are impatient and we start trying to rush the Lord, we are only harming ourselves. God knows that each of us need to have certain understanding prior to different break through's in our lives.  If we don't allow time for these understandings to take place in our lives, we are at risk that the break through's won't "set" right within our lives, and before long, we will find ourselves back where we started.  I don't know about you, but the idea of cycling over and over this pain I have been living in for many more years to come is a thought that I do not want to entertain.  

I want progress in my life, deeply, but I also know that I have to wait upon God to build the foundations in my life to be strong enough to uphold me upon each step towards getting better that comes my way. 

Christ wants nothing less than healing in our lives. In fact, the healing has already taken place, we are just learning what it is to walk within its reality. Waiting is not our enemy, it is a foundation.   

Personal note:
I, like you, am on this journey of life. I do not even begin to pretend to have it all figured out. I share these blogs because life's events have been difficult, just as they have for you, but I am determined to learn from my Lord and turn these Pains of life to Promises yet to come within my life.  I pray the same will hold true for you.  Pastor Daniella.

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