Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Yesterday I talked about the fact that trust is a time stamped process. Trust is not built in a day, but more rather it is a seed planted within us that is slowly and lovingly fed in order that its strength gains daily. In order to truly “trust” anyone in life, we decide that we have learned enough of their character and habitual actions that we can feel “safe” to allow a belief that they are someone who won’t hurt us. 

Jesus’ character has been misrepresented on so often a case that people being believing the deceptions of Him, rather than the Truths of Him. The antidote, to present the Truth of our Lord Jesus Christ in hopes to “clear up” the misrepresentations of Who HE really is for us in our lives. 

In preparation to our speaking about the Truth that Jesus is in our lives, I spent time talking about the deceit that many of us are faced with. The things we treasure most in this life are often precious to us because they are rare. The Truth of Christ is the rarest of its kind.

Many of us have awakened to thoughts that we quickly start mulling over and taking in as our truth. Thoughts like: “You aren’t worth it. You will never be able to accomplish what you’ve set out to do. That thing about Jesus never giving you more than you can handle is such a crock. No one in life will be able to love me, I am not lovable. I can’t overcome this addiction. I will never be able to rise above the situations I am facing. Pain is all I am ever going to know in life. I am so stupid, I’ll never learn this. I’m the only one I can trust in life.” Each of these and many more are greatly difficult to overcome, and left to our own devices, many of us will not overcome these thoughts.  Yet we are not alone in our daily battle to overcome the deceitful thoughts that we each struggle with. Jesus Christ is Truth and He is willing to live as that truth in your daily life.

Above I listed deceitful thoughts that meet our minds. These thoughts are very powerful in their nature, aren’t they? In a world where we are forever struggling to keep our heads above the water, it doesn’t take much being said in order that we would start to believe that we are in fact in over our heads, or not worth it, or that pain is forever going to be existent in our lives.  I spent years getting into agreement with the painful things that have been said over me in life, but then I slowly started seeing them as lies. But here’s a key…the only way that I started to see them as lies was through the fact that I started believing that Jesus Christ was the ONLY TRUTH in my life. I started seeing that His viewpoint of me was the only Truth that held weight in my life.

When I was growing up, my father, so hurt by his painful past, would drink heavily. His drinking left him with a nightly rage session that he would take out on us. Due to this, I have lived with guilt ridden thinking and enormously overwhelming anxieties that have been a burden that I have carried almost my entire life.  Due to this thinking, I have allowed enormous deceitful thinking into my life.  I allowed myself for so many years to live in a state of emergency. Peace had never once be present in my thoughts, not once. Even in a moment of joy in my life, I had such a deep dread for the oncoming of something going wrong that I truly can say peace was utterly foreign to me.  But as I spoke of above, my life started changing when I discovered what it mean to have the Truth of Jesus Christ present in my life.  I found that when a situation would present itself where I would normally become replete with anxiety, that I could in fact learn to become more peace driven than I was anxiety driven. I started seeing, over time, that in those first few seconds of doubt, worry, anxiety….became present in my life I was being offered a moment of Truth in which to view the situation, I was just too wrought with the anxieties of my emotions to hear it.  I found that the more I exercise not reacting in the first few seconds of life’s troubles and instead waiting for the Truth that Christ was trying to show me in any given situation, I found that the deceitful thoughts started losing more of their power over my life.  As anxieties, worries and doubts lost their power of my thinking, I found that I began to gain in strength of my Trust towards Jesus Christ. In turn, I began to experience Peace, Stability, and Strength in my life.

The Truths of Christ are the promises that He has left with us. Tomorrow we will visit what some of those promises are in our lives in order that we can learn how to start viewing WHY we would want the involvement of Jesus in our lives.   

On a personal note: My friend, the relationship that we are in with Jesus Christ is a journey. Please understand that Jesus Christ knows how hard it is for those of us that have been deeply hurt in life to trust. Due to this, He IS a patient God! He knows that Trust is not built overnight, it is a lifetime’s journey. A journey that can be filled with your heart being healed by His love. I wouldn’t trade the journey I have been on with Jesus Christ for anything. He will forever be the Lifter of my Head and the provider of my joy and Peace. I pray my blogs are a blessing to you in your life. This is my deepest desire. To allow those who feel they have no more hope to know there is ALWAYS hope in Jesus Christ. Pastor Daniella. 

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