Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Trust is a time stamped process. Trust is not built in a day, but more rather a seed planted within us that is slowly and lovingly fed in order that its strength gains daily. In order to truly “trust” anyone in life, we decide that we have learned enough of their character and habitual actions that we can feel “safe” to allow a belief that they are someone who won’t hurt us.  This process of thought holds true within our relationship with Jesus.  We are on a journey with Jesus Christ, learning to trust that He is all He is said to be.  Please understand something, Jesus knows how HARD it is for a hurting person to open their lives to Him. But, Jesus is patient and better than anyone in your life, He truly seeks the best for you.  He’s willing to walk a lifetime with you in order that you learn of Him and grow in your trust of Him daily. He just wants you to begin the walk with Him, step by step, day by day.

One of the ways that we learn to trust Jesus Christ is by beginning to truly allow ourselves to accept that He is Truth, but in order to present truth, we must spent time thinking over the idea of truth and why we value it so heavily.  Many times, we value something because it is a stark contrast to our daily exposures of life. In preparing for this evenings blog, I spent time allowing myself to freewrite my thoughts are the contrast of truth. The first that came to mind is the most evident, lies and deceit.  
All of us, at some point or the other, have been victim to rumors spread about our character that were not built upon a single validity.  Those rumors often warp the perception in which people view us.  The only antidote to the believability of these spreading lies is people learning the Truth. 

Jesus’ character has been misrepresented on so often a case that people being believing the deceptions of Him, rather than the Truths of Him. The antidote, to present the Truth of our Lord Jesus Christ in hopes to “clear up” the misrepresentations of Who HE really is for us in our lives. 

Deceit runs ramped in this world, doesn’t it? Whether it is a commercial claiming to be the “world’s best”, a boss misrepresenting his intentions to his employees, or cover ups so magnificent in size that they topple entire corporations, we have all been exposed to deceit.  Yet there is a much quieter, conniving deceit that is present in each of our lives daily. It is fed to us in palatable spoonfuls and many times coated with a tasty substance designed to encourage our devouring the lies to such a degree that we begin to take them on as truths.  

These lies that we swallow are not as easily distinguishable as a company that hides its red ledger books only to be found for the fraud it is. No, these lies, readily accepted among the masses, have encompassed many of us well before we knew we were being brought for a ride.  These lies are those words that float around in your head that tell you: “You aren’t worth it. You will never be able to accomplish what you’ve set out to do. That thing about Jesus never giving you more than you can handle is such a crock. No one in life will be able to love me, I am not loveable. I can’t overcome this addiction. I will never be able to rise above the situations I am facing. Pain is all I am ever going to know in life. I am so stupid, I’ll never learn this. I’m the only one I can trust in life.” You may not have heard all of these lies, but at some point in your life, you’ve heard something a kin to them.

Each of these lies and millions more are fed to humanity daily. We take them as truths because we are hurting and utterly starved of hope.  But these lies have provided nothing but depression, anxiety, fear, worry, doubt, smashed dreams, addictions, and mistrust among us as a people. To reach for something different than what we’ve currently been accepting as truth, we must decide that we want an alternative to the roller coaster of emotions that we’ve been living.  It means that we will start to allow our thinking to come up out of the fog of deceit we’ve been living among and instead start to have faith in Christ being Who He says He is. 

Tomorrow I will speak of the Truth that Jesus Christ is in our lives.  I look forward to this. I have lived many years in an emotional struggle against the battles of overcoming the pains of my childhood.  I share these blogs with each of you in hopes that your heart, too, will start to experience what real freedom and truth tastes like. I want nothing less for you. May this blog be a blessing to you in your life.  Until tomorrow. Pastor Daniella. https://twitter.com/PastorDaniella http://pastordaniellaministries.weebly.com/

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