Sunday, September 22, 2013

When Love Surprises You--- I remember as a teenager a time where I was stunned by love. One evening, a telephone call came from our church minister. My dad sat listening to the phone call, said a few things and hung up. He then called me into the living room to talk. I had no idea what the call was pertaining to. He then told me that the telephone call had to do with me. It seemed that a recent boyfriend had spread rumors about me. These rumors were not ones that would boost a girl's reputation. My dad then said, "I am going to choose to believe whatever you tell me and not what they are saying." I informed my father of the absolute truth. I had not done what was said. My dad stood up, hugged me, and said, "Okay, then the matter is dead to me." I was so moved. My dad showed me a side of love that day that I have never forgotten. He chose to believe me over anything that was said about me. That was over 26 years ago, and I still remember it as if it took place yesterday. Why do I tell you this story? Because when we allow love to speak through us, we don't begin to know the level of impact it has upon another person. In the following days, when you want to meet the yearning of your soul to be upset,, comfort, reassure. The impact of these times, will be felt for years to come. Pastor Daniella

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