Friday, January 3, 2014

Have you ever had a situation in your life take place where, in the natural, someone had every right to be completely upset with you, and yet the refrained for this very action? When this takes place in your life, often…you are struck speechless. Questions soon start to follow their refrain from reacting…bewilderment to why the application of grace is difficult for us to understand. Often, we have been subject to quite the different reaction, haven’t we? In fact, more than not, we find ourselves in the company of the overreaction to our failures. It is here, in the overreactions, that we start to condition our thinking to how Jesus must feel about us. We, at points in our lives, decide that our action is so grievous that even the Lord’s love won’t be able to practice patience upon us so…in turn, we start to harden ourselves against Him. So utterly convinced that He couldn’t love us through a painful situation, that we convinced ourselves that we are left alone to solve our own troubles. Jesus is not the interpretation we have of a hardened Lord. Instead, He is the author of patience, grace, and mercy. He wants a relationship with you. If you have apprehension to a relationship with Jesus due to the fact that you feel He wouldn’t want you, then please understand this is just not the case. He loves you. He will rush to meet even the smallest glimmer of belief that you are willing to offer Him. You are wanted! He does love you and He isn’t just being kind to you in order to suck you further in for the lowering of the boom. This is the way of those who seek to harm, not the way of the Lord. I pray you are blessed by this evening. I know how hard it is to let go of the notion that Jesus wants that relationship with you more than anything. You are not a surprise to Jesus. He seeks all, knows all and LOVES you in full knowledge of it all. Pastor Daniella or my website:

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