Tuesday, January 7, 2014

We often look at the troubles that we are facing in our lives and start wondering WHY the Lord Jesus would allow such troubles in our lives. I remember when I first became a parent, I held my daughter in my arms and vowed I would be all the protection and support I could be for her for the rest of my life. When she first started learning to walk, we would walk hand in hand as her small legs would struggle to build the strength on which to eventually support herself. I still remember the day that she let go of my hand and walked out in front of me, of her own volition. My eyes wide with surprise, joy, and fear. No longer would she need my hand as her guide. No longer would her steps be limited to the path in which I walked. She was on her own. As time passed, her feeble steps would cause her to stumble. With each stumble, I would comfort her, encourage her and give her the support that she needed. Yet I knew that the process of learning to walk often involved these little stumbles. Our relationship is similar to this picture that I have just painted you. Jesus sees our life in the larger picture. We think we do, but honestly…due to our being human we are still limited in our view point of life. Jesus sees the trails that are taking place in our lives as the building blocks that each of us need in order to become all the HE knows we are made of. We look at these trials as insurmountable, He sees them as a part of the process. Had I rushed to my daughter, during the time that she was learning to walk, grabbed her and refused to let her learn to walk out of fear that she might trip…I would have kept her from all she’s gone on to do. One of her favorite experiences has been Irish river dancing. If I had refused her the learning experience, she would never have participated in this exciting event in her life. Jesus sees much this life the same way. I have suffered many difficult events in my life, honestly…they have been so hard. But, due to these events in my life, Jesus has allowed me to share encouragement with many. Jesus knew that these trails that I suffered were not going to be the undoing of me, instead He knew they were going to be what built me in to who I am today. He knows the same of you. What you are facing today are the building blocks for your tomorrow. Jesus knows that He cannot deprive us of all learning experiences because we won’t be correctly ready for what His plans are for our future. The Bible speaks of a Peace that passes all understanding. (Phil. 4:7) Many times in life, I have had to lean on this scripture in order to maintain a trust that although there seems no reasoning to the trials in my life, they all further me towards Jesus’ dreams for me in life. A personal note… Jesus knows the powerful struggle that wars within you to mistrust Him during the troubled times in your life. Please know He loves you even in the middle of this struggle. His love for you never waivers or fails you. If your faith fails you at points, remember His is the same today, yesterday, and tomorrow. He will not turn from you, even if all the trust you can muster is what you are borrowing from Him, He sees this, honors it, and loves you. Blessings on your evening. Pastor Daniella. https:/Twitter.com/PastorDaniella

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